Carpet, Fabric & Upholstery Protector In Coleshill

Carpet Fabric Protector in Coleshill
Carpet Fabric Protector in Coleshill

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Carpet Protection

Carpet Fabric Protector in Coleshill

Most people fall into two camps when talking about protection for carpets.

They either don’t believe it works or they think it will stop anything except a nuclear attack!

The truth is somewhere between the two.

If you have any sort of natural fibre in the carpet (including mixes like 80 / 20 wool), then I would recommend it everytime.
Firstly, it makes things easier for you (actually easier to vacuum and generally keep clean).
Secondly, when it comes to “proper” carpet cleaning it gives us much more chance of removing dirt or spots (even if the carpet looks dirty).
Take a look at this video below.
We took some paper kitchen roll and sprayed some spirit based fabric protector on to it.

Why paper? Well, it is meant to be highly absorbent so it adds to the dramatic effect (especially with the stencilled effect).

What does carpet protector do?
It coats the fibres with a dirt repelling layer that keeps dirt out and allows you to remove spillages before they have a chance to sink in.

To Have Your Office Carpets Professionally Protected… Click Here

Fabric Protector / Protection In Coleshill

Carpet Fabric Protector in ColeshillThis works in exactly the same way as carpet protector but if anything, is more important.

That’s because most fabrics are more fragile than carpets.

Many are far more prone to staining than carpets which are designed to be walked on (at least in most cases!).

There is more than one reason to have fabrics protected. There’s the obvious one – stopping things getting stained or dirty.
A secondary reason is to lengthen the times between cleaning.
For instance, some materials on high end suites can be prone to damage when being cleaned.
Obviously, the longer we can go without cleaning the better.

Our main priority is ensuring the item is not damaged (even if it means walking away from a job).

Fabric protector is vital for absorbent fibres such as white cotton or silk..

Just imagine if red wine or fruit juice is spilt on to unprotected fabrics like that.

To Have Your Fabrics Professionally Protected… Click Here

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